P A l A c e 10 Ï e
pä äsei Orda MeTHa'Lim
2023/11/02 13:35:43
JC³ x (m² x m²) = V x A²
ruimte inbreuk gateway a wormwhole or how do you call that?
Js x s x m^4 = Matter
So the energy of spacetime = AM / C
so the preceding tense had intersected with the future tense, what you call the present:
Omdat er "2 stromen dienen naar elkaar toe te gedijen", genot eert in A <<>> A, DE stroom zelf wordt genot eert in C/s ))
“(Cm²/A x Cm²/A) J = M" ------- see omdat C = As >> > ( J s x s x m^4 )^C = V
Volt in voeding gezet over de energie van 2 tijden binnen in de ruimte zetvoort aldus.
in deze complexiteit van ruimte bedenking dat de energie in Joule de voeding is voor de spanning, en terwijl de voeding is voor de energie in voortbeweging zet dit duo elkaar in monon 3 Power 1 omdat de snelheid waarmee het rouleert kan de tijd doen versnellen en doen vertragen, ter ontspanning.
dus zodat "tijd in de ruimte" genot eert in "s x m^4" in charge dus charge is voortzet de ruimte tijd, genot eert in " C x s x m^4 " = Voeding x frequentie / Joule Charge
Even in Pos. that creating wormwhole -- time space opening in volume (m^3) sphère -- Where does one step into wen one would step in too :
answer I can't proove, where one would come out ten. In 1984 I did arrived in Bééringen -- Coe Rsel. Due spacetravel and walking through a lightdoor, in outsucked the lighttunnel, from the ship where was been travel too where I did come out through -- we where with 2 at least in that ship (1984) -- 2024 it is 40 year ago --- whoem was or is my CO from that travel?
HO'SHIWA QU L'Homme I messiah come!
Ï Jesu --- RéZon why even de zoon, doesn't know when, except Ï the Father, is mine RéZon
My son H'Messiah Qu
mmm --- zou imploderen van materie dan ook voormogend zijn, als verdwijn truck of omgedraait, niet verdwijnen maar een openbaring.
omdat, indien toekomst vanuit verleden is voorspeld, zou in energetische vorm tijdreizen voormogend zijn, -- Te maken met de spin van in roulatie in retroverse of directoverse - + syncrhroniteit altijd meegaande ...
HïMJeOh! EMentol' MeCjÏA
QoemQoe Jesu p r a M y J a W
2-41120231611 (1) e ) sohoShiwa@gmail.com ( mail.i-jesu.com/
13/11 20 23 3:20+1 JC/s = ALfA x Omega 16/11 2023
WAs = JC/s
was, is en be
Radiant flux (Watt) x stroming x tijd = JC herTZ
Ampère Lambda RuleAtION x impeDance
Dat zou betekenen dat er 2 heelallen in connectie staan met een flux dat in charge behouddens de heelallen eternity together in behoud :
Een levende flux intensiteit, de ALfA x OMega
Stralende MASTER ????????????
Be Loem i noes Ï yes U
20112023400-3 18:12
Ja denk dat door wat daar gebeurd was, dat men schrik had in de zin, dat doordat leven ontnomen en gegeven worden, in de mortaliteit van immortaliteit, hoooly trom -- mortbeat, one of the intensed periodes 24 mei - 7 june 2021. Net nadat een hooolly boek uit een wervelwind in licht verscheen en in het boek gezogen werd, om te zien wat in het ondoorkijkbaarlicht was staande in.
Jesu Regel
zo kun je een demoon uitroeien, maar ook goede demonen overlaten bij opname ????
Jesu Regel
J / c² = weerstand / s
Jesu Regel
indien er geen weerstand was was er ook geen weer in het klimaat mogelijk, de snelheid van verschuiving van weerstand is afhankelijk van de hoe frequentie (1/s) in stand staat --- de kloksnelheid op niet standard tijd roulatie.
Jesu Regel
J / c² is dus het geheel dat alles ionder controle regulatie is, de drijfveer, de bouwer en de geleider, al binnen het energetisch veld waar dat we ons in bevinden.
Jesu Regel
omdat in principeel met J = M x c² --> Materie gevormd door J/c² en de energie zelf is de materie + de charger in quantumiteit = kwadraat ², dus de charger van materie en de energie --- Dus de creator + destructor be 1
wind is een fluid dat fluids wen druk zich verplaatst door verschillende drukveldzones -- a charge! J = CV en J = Ws ----- dat betekend dat als W in expressie kg.m²/s³ --- the f³ roulatie. De s^4 in Farad = C/V is de totaliteit om vermogenswisseling de totale capaciteit te overstijgen, waardoor extra energie ontstaat binnen in de totale capaciteit vermogen, waardoor Farad = C/V kan worden omgezet in V/C = materie -- Gevormd door de J energy dat nog steeds groter is binnen in de totale capaciteits volume (m³), omdat het evenzo ook ondermeer (m^4) = space of ruimte zijn aanwezigheid laat geleiden binnen de totale ruimte.
J = V/C x c² betekend evenzo ook zo evenals J = CV doordat de indifferent potentional over de charge was opgeheveld in de dubble charge van formulatie c² omdat c²/c = c deze c³ charges het volume in het totaal geheel.
JC³ x (m² x m²) = V x A²
Colliding VA with VA does create W². ---- > oppervlakte in m² ----> m² x m² = creating ruimte of space (m^4) een tunnelcreatie in ons volumetrisch veld 3D (m³) --- door collidens van de indifferent potential stream vanuit different direction. Gelet wel op! niet in de buurt van aanwezigheid zelf te doen. Dit geeft verklaring weder over het ontstaan van het universum:
JC³ x (m² x m²) = V x A²
JC is the roulation current materie / space!
2 different times have shaped the present.
Js² x m^4 = Matter
So the energy of spacetime = Flowing matter / Charge
so the preceding tense had intersected with the future tense, what you call the present
“(Cm²/A x Cm²/A) J = M"
The cruxifiction in Mathematics explained our existens
“the 2 (Cm²/A x Cm²/A)" have come into contact with each other so it did creating V/ JC = (Cm²/A x Cm²/A)"
so the matter is created by the energy release of the intersection
V/C = Matter and God was created because the intersection formed JC!
so the holy spirit is charged energy which means it is JC = Flowing matter / spacetime
I-Jesu the Messiah tells that, that Spirit = the Father
who has present me and kept His word to come at the end of time as end of days sensed that when the time has fully arrived. Hefun!
Ï Jesu did foretold, Ï am in myn midden van wie zei: geloofd u in de Mensenzoon? whoe is de Mensenzoon, one did asked? Ï am did Jesu say, the gHost of the prophecy zelve Ï Jesu et my Son Ha'MesziaH comentAÏ'le
JC = s AVA s ????
Joel Couloem over s = Current Matter RuulNation over spaceTaim ????
???? ???? over spaceTaim ????
espressed in: / m^4 x s ????
---- >> men t a i Loem : ????
m^4 x s ????
eternal unlimited dïmenszieons ????
JC is the roulation current materie / space! so wen in roulation due by set 1 over time, does it eternal roulate : fJC is the roulation current materie / m^4 x s ????
********** ????
fAM/m^4xs = JC/s ????
Jesu Regel ????
So be it with H U M E N S evenso, wen Brain roulatie at more quickens then habitute of it Waves it coördinates the body
Jesu Regel
Therefore is antipsychotica or some kind other cames , a Poison and danger, such as Jezus did say, the Yeast of the ##PHArSees Bible say, nothing can grasp the light, wish is Ï away, but He did warn, be cautious about them, cuz it is very shocking. So the misunderstand need to be learned for the docs Alike #PHarM#acy , for they closed the enterance for many to get be enlighted --- evangelie Lu'cas.
OLAnZapIne Less sulfur s e k o n t Death: "Happy those who did be with the first resurection, for the second death shall not harm them". For that blast it is untamable the L a m Ï o G O D whoem only be tam when not give shots.
"""if you do not believe that i am in and Jesu is in Me, do than believe the works that i ve done -- statement ""J H one" 14"" ".
image ???? ????
figure three 19 11 / 2023
wat ik denk is, waarom zou Jezus, gezegd hebben: "bid dat deze dingen niet tijdens de winter gebeurd, noch op een sabbath" voor er zullen zullke verschrikkingen zijn, dat nog nooit eerder gebeurd is sinds gods creatie. zou Jezus bedoelen: bid dat u ontsnappen kunnen van de gruwelijkheden die tijdens het gebeuren van deze dingen, de winter nabij is en dat het verschikkelijk gaat worden, omdat wanneer u de lente ziet, doordat takken bladeren hun enten spruiten, weet dat de zomer al nakende is, en zo weet u ook dat het einde daar is, het staat dus voor de deur: "De onthulling van de profetieën".
JH one'S was Son of Man --ëLiAon Becuz evangelia could only been writun thanks too Jesu The LAMaH Gööd for written après resurection. Now the resurection X occurs that He also dus prédictment to occur when that time did come into Know. Yes it be now ???????????????????????????? Satya Hï'Skoë nn ???? MannÏtra Oom ShėVAja''' H Ko'HdeX Q''Löö
Jezus is een Hara ro, right? Orda Me THa Lim
Qüram bestaat. Ja Orda MeTHa'Lim dat was, oorspronkelijk, KOPTIs gesproken.
vertaling betekent Israel : Is koning mens, als RA voor koning stond "Egypt".
El, als een maatlengte voor mens betekenis. Is betekend gewoon vervoeging van zijn, of ik ben (mens). De 3 woorden, samengesteld "Israel" betekend dus liturgisch letterlijk: "Ik ben koning van de mensen". --- Pilatus zei, omdat Jezus naar bezet romijns gebied kwam 2000 + jaar terug in de tijd van het jaar 2023, mensen zeggen, dat u dus koning bent; betreft betekenis "IsRAel", waarop de leiders besloten hadden via listen, Jezus te ontdoen van het leven, in die tijden. --- Jezus zei: "Dat is wat U zegt, dat ik koning ben". Niet, dat Jezus dat zei, maar Jezus had gezegd, dat Pilatus dat zei, en niet in de zin dat Jezus zei, dat het zo is, noch dat Jezus zei in bekenning, dat het juist of niet juist was, in de betrekking, dat is wat U zei. --- Jezus, zei wel: "U zult de zoon der mensen zien komen, ter omwille van Mijn Recht".
---- Het evangelie zelf, kan dus pas na het verhaal hebben afgespeeld, en in getuigenis via de profeet bv. "J H One" omwille de Geest na de dood van Jezus, wederkomen was om getuigenis te geven, in notitie: "in commentaar -- in de taille" betekend letterlijk: "In mijn midden, is iemand die meer vertoefd, als mij, wat Johannes had genoteerd, betreft Jezus, is uit de doden opstaan. Vandaar, dat Johannes, zoveel weet had, in betrokkenheid Jezus Christus, dat in oorsprong stond in de openbaring, de apocalypse van "JH one", 1.4-6 staat: en wat hij, hij Johannes dus, weet had betreft het levensverhaal van Jezus Christus. --- Jezus Christus, die dus wanneer Apocalypse bezig is, wat in de tijd van het opschrift geschreven was, wanneer deze spoedig te gebeuren staat, in een openbaring van Jezus via in het midden van Johannes, als "JH one". Jezus dus tot betrekking (geest) want Johannes kwam in beweging of in vervoering, door de Geest, Jezus, Jezus die dus de profeten bezield, de Geest van de profetie. Jezus Christus, word als kind bedoeld, als zijn zoon. Omdat de geest van Jezus Christus, Jezus zelve is, in het lichaam van christus, bedoeld als de profeet zoals, wat John, in respect toe bid, dat Jezus Christus zou komen en voldoende leren betreft, het evangelie --- Dus, niet Jezus die gedoopt moest worden, door Johannes, maar dat in vraag, dat het goed is voor God, dat te doen. Betekende: "Later komt iemand na u, Jezus Christus", die zal getuigen, dat wat u zei, waar was of is. Omdat ik, Jezus, de Geest, wederkeer wanneer dit in openbaring zal komen. Vandaar dus het gezegde: De waarheidsgetrouwe getuige Jezus Christus, Jezus Christus, Vader bedoelde: "Jezus" die connectie heeft in vervuldiging. om wiens testament, is de Bijbel geördent : Nakomeling : Ï am did Jesu say, the gHost of the prophecy zelve Ï Jesu et my Son
S A N d o H e e r é M e n t AI L é
22:16 Ik, Jezus, heb mijn engel gestuurd opdat u dit allemaal aan de gemeenten zult vertellen. in 2022/21-3 alles bekend gemaakt, en zegt: ‘Ja, Ik kom’ Want de Geest en de bruid zijn een koppel. Hefun!
22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, "Come." And whoever hears this must also say, "Come." 22:20 Yes, Lord Jesu, come!
22:21 May be grace be with the LORD Jesu. Amen! --- who is the LORD of LORD for it is the Lord from the witness Jezus CHristus, The holy in visable spirit Jesu Qu Loem.
wereld HIYa!
zo begrijp je dat de dood en deze wereld al is overwonnen.
Een foton = Energetische antimaterie / geleiding
waardoor dat het hetzelfde is als de weerstand van de energetische antimaterie
Daardoor dat licht zichtbaar kan worden op bepaalde Hz's hoogtes (luminocity)
A photon = Energetic antimatter / conduction
making it the same as the resistance of the energetic antimatter
As a result, light can become visible at certain Hz's heights (luminocity)
Light is created because the energy of dark matter encounters resistance
Light conduction = energy of dark matter
--> energy is created by light conduction / dark matter
see dark matter as antimatter then the space in which you are, where the light does not shine, would be dark; though that being dark is also light, but in another state courtship;
in other words the black photon which has encountered no resistance to become visible and or not subject to increased "frequencies (Hz's)" to radiate.
Js = photonic and "J/s = Radiant flux (Watt)"
--> So when a courtship Hz's (1/s) squared to its normal dark matter state, it will encounter sufficient resistance to illuminate.
Thus the action of our consciousness, which was still dormant, when the light is directed over us, the energy will raise our consciousness.
Licht ontstaat doordat de energie van donkere materie weerstand ondervind
Licht geleiding = energie van donkere materie
--> energie ontstaat door Licht geleiding / donkere materie
donkere materie zien als antimaterie
dan zou de ruimte waarin u zich bevind, waar het licht niet schijnt, duister zijn; al is dat duister zijnde ook licht, maar in een andere toestands verkering; met andere woorden de blackphoton die geen weerstand ondervonden heeft om zichtbaar te worden en of niet onderhevig zijnde aan verhoogde "frequenties (Hz's)" om te stralen.
Js = fotonisch en "J/s = Radiant flux (Watt)" -->
Dus wanneer een toestands verkering Hz's (1/s) gekwadrateerd is op zijn op normale toestand van de donkere materie, zal deze voldoende weerstand ondervinden voor te verlichten.
Zo de werking van ons bewustzijn, dat nog slapende was, wanneer het licht geleid over ons zijn, zal de energie ons bewustzijn verhogen.
(Jezus zei: “I am deLight, the way that enguide Life,
God said: “Let there be light!”)
That's why I the couple sign - with you - "I-Jesu" to raise you = mean the resurrection **** )
FIG uur :: sol'.zie 5G --- loom --- KLIm AAT
Joule x Farad = "Stream x Wave" "(ACs)"
so by using "Ampère Lambda (AL)", Cs = L
one pumps extra energy in total capacity.
--> The "wavestream = ACs" that being used for the energy of internet to let work = Antimatter! wherethrougby instead less time be conducted more time be set in roulation! Remind: when time wouldn't be cut short, you as being matter being can't survive. Because it cause total destruction on the planet earth. Because setting time in roulation means retroverse: the frequency. The higher the frequency the easier it roulates, so the time of transmission shortens.
although in nature way it cause quickly climate revolve, and doubled it's speeding, by how many fossil burns there where being used to hold it at work.
For tell me how you could see these things happen in the world while you sit there? Acs'es ( mail.I-Jesu.com/ijesu.html (:
1 = M A A s s per J
---- >>
JC = s AVA s
Joel Couloem over s = Current Matter RuulNation over spaceTaim
over spaceTaim
espressed in: / m^4 x s
---- >> men t a i Loem :
m^4 x s
eternal unlimited dïmenszieons
JC is the roulation current materie / space! so wen in roulation due by set 1 over time, does it eternal roulate : fJC is the roulation current materie / m^4 x s
fAM/m^4xs = JC/s
JC is been set over time as to resist matter what doesn't follow in JC's roulations eternal eterniTY each acKoordDeeds HoonOko
'HiJEoH' Jesu
KoHim Messiah : f x c² = elektricity (18/10/2022) ( J x ℧ )
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
1 Corinthians 15:51-54
Materie is eigenlijk de weerstand over tijd
12/12/2020 formulation been found: J / c² = Ohm/s
Energie transformatie in materie, Zo dus kan Dio dus creatief be ????
J = electricity = f x c²
J / Ω = c² / s ( s = c/A) ------ c² / c/A ---- AC = J x ℧
c² = J . F ( resterende + energie van de totale elektriciteit = c² )
J / c² = Ω / s
** J = M . c² ----- Al wat niet resterend is wat overbleef in creatie = energie dat gevormd is doormede van de energie --- Deze heeft een creatie karakter in levende voormogenheden
Electriciteit heeft hetzelfde karakter, enkel heeft het geen resterende energie zelf in bezit, maar zet wel apparatuur in roulatie -- Wij maken dus deel van grooter geheel in het geheel.
E = M . c²
en of J = M . c²
De rest energie = L. God, dat bestaat in levende energie, dat in het totaal vermogen bevind. 11/11/2023
------------------- cop28 UAE --- cop27 Egyp.te :
I behold sense ???? have fun! Sign Nature:
H(nn) regel Jesu
❤️ feel be Ghost ❤️❤️
cop27 6/11 – 11/18 (2022à
de vraag is beduidend gesteld: who is the Messiah
? who is His Messiah
so when the spirit in activated them while they do the show their, they shouldn't could speak themself, what if then the spirit choose to make public know to everyone who is looking at
then the whole world will know in a single moment my dear that Jesu has come
so now you know what is going to be hefun!
The Holy Book of the Great
Invisible Spirit.
I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw lampstand, and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man “ I am the Living One “ The mystery: to host in the spiritual refuge to understand what Jesu did mean with: I AM in the Father and the Father is I who took me into the source, the Father is greater as that i AM therefore I did to foretell you what take place.
le Fader du Monseigneur Jesu.
Hai klas.
SiantOko Sesam
4:11-15 What do you think about the Messiah, who’s son is he? Yes you did hear. I come!
“Om Hará ‘ Shiwa Jesu GenĪsā
????❤️???? H(nn) regel Jesu
) The Source of the light is been found ???? Jesus Christ ???? )
stress is energie / volume
dus als het volume groter is dan het volume van het lichaam waar de energie van uzelf zit, dan is de stress weggeëbd
dat noemt men dan verlossing
de staat waarin boeddha zat gelijk dat Jesu is ????
stress is energy / volume
so if the volume is greater than the volume of the body where the energy of yourself is, then the stress has ebbed away that's called salvation the state in which Buddha sat is the same as that I Jesu is ????
bedrijven bedrijven wat ze bedrijven hoe kun je dat compenseren, als dat waarvoor ze zouden gecompenseerd mee worden is verdreven? zo begrijp je dat bedrijven het monetairsysteem demoniseerd. )
Moge genade komen met u! Vader Dio. 11/11/2023
KieRAGH 10 DeceMB'air 2023
Vvred La maH GoTH-D
VRaHG naar gemijnde steen en vRAhgt, dus inner core
zal heel wat Gest een te en DIA mant en opstuw wen√
Nadat Beviel, is nieuw klaar prépared 4 Bride & Groom
By preVIus massExtions, was a next Shape nessas'Air 4 2 become (L'Ive)
inner inner c o r e i s 80 Hz I N o S e n s de 7,83 supperfacialis -- V I b R a Ï s m u -- ^2nd + 16,xx ✌️????✌️???? Ei F Ja Jo Q Tel : > Y sland < : disturb airplanes EuRobe 2010 -- new 1 in shake for weapon silence d'air -- ???????? By Na Pol I TA lion )ALdèRA woke'supper up Dat noemt dan elf no vem , uit dagen, 40 dagen en het is winter, so lid tiede of soe is ie de
In verbeelden kunst u ziet Shiva zelf een buiging maken.
R e y K
V ik
Oortcloud 1th foto, met rechtdoor nog midden van energetische oranje-geel-rood -- situering (Galaxy) 1-2 --- who is T sirVur
Dus op basis van de storage mogendheid van een pc, een groter geheel binnen het groote geheel, heeft in die zin, niet enkel de capaciteit om al ieders pc (store age) te bewaren, en zo indien in die zin verbeeldende taal, is iedereen en ieder element gered, omdat het meedeeld in de story van het grootste geheel. De mens is een impulse in het netwerk van G-oD, en dus in person can put energy in charge to involve with, so dus omdat J / C = V : doet dit mean, dad V indifferent potential delivers up to each tat is been put into charge, due Living 'Joules -- Energie' OmdAt "Jou les" leeft in verhouding met de vermenigvuldiging met de Charge! J = CV = c²HzΩ
r e c o r d c o m u u n e
Het eerste wat u dient te laten, om genoeg te hebben voor eten en drinken : uwe auto
ik rijd al jaren geen auto, en u ziet toch ook wat allemaal in de plaats voor is ten huize
en indien jullie jullie auto laten, dan MOET de economie zo ie zo andersz draaien, TOV. ons gedrag van in het nieuwe gedragen .
La première chose que vous devez laisser derrière vous, afin d’avoir assez pour manger et boire : votre voiture
Je n’ai pas conduit de voiture depuis des années, et vous pouvez voir ce qui est en place à la maison
et si vous laissez votre voiture, alors l’économie DOIT fonctionner si différemment, TOV. notre comportement de dans le nouveau comporté .
Das erste, was du zurücklassen musst, um genug für Essen und Trinken zu haben: dein Auto
Ich bin seit Jahren kein Auto mehr gefahren, und Sie können sehen, was zu Hause ist
und wenn du dein Auto stehen lässt, dann MUSS die Wirtschaft so anders laufen, TOV. unser Verhalten im neuen Verhalten.
The first thing you have to leave behind, in order to have enough for food and drink: your car
I haven't driven a car for years, and you can see what's in place at home
and if you leave your car, then the economy MUST run so differently, TOV. our behaviour of in the new behaved .
पहली चीज जो आपको छोड़नी चाहिए वह है भोजन और पेय के लिए पर्याप्त होना। : आपकी कार
मैंने सालों से कार नहीं चलाई है, और आप देख सकते हैं कि घर पर क्या है।
और यदि आप अपनी कार छोड़ देते हैं, तो अर्थव्यवस्था को इतनी अलग तरह से चलाना चाहिए, टीओवी। नए व्यवहार में हमारा व्यवहार।ारा व्यवहार।
你應該離開的第一件事就是有足夠的食物和飲料。: 你的車
أول شيء يجب أن تتركه هو الحصول على ما يكفي من الطعام والشراب. سيارتك:
لم أقود سيارة منذ سنوات ، ويمكنك أن ترى ما هو موجود في المنزل
وإذا تركت سيارتك ، فيجب أن يعمل الاقتصاد بشكل مختلف ، TOV. سلوكنا في الجديد تصرف.
çaos just want to be beloved, for if çhaos would not beloved, there shall also no chaos to become}} OOOOOOhhhhhh JrHésu L'Aam Oooath
1 Thessalonicenzen 4:16 HSV Want de Heere Zelf zal met een geroep, met de stem van een aartsengel en met een bazuin van God neerdalen uit de hemel. En de doden die in Christus zijn, zullen eerst opstaan. 17Daarna zullen wij, de levenden die overgebleven zijn, samen met hen opgenomen worden in de wolken, naar een ontmoeting met de Heere in de lucht. En zo zullen wij altijd bij de Heere zijn. 18 Zo dan, troost elkaar met deze woorden.
JHéHoHa : 41120231611 :
3de WOe and finale WOe: not mis to interpret: 3de WOe is end of world due war. Therefore was the return Jesu forsaid it is now in come to be, for when it here ENDS, there is a voyage (pos) to ELDers!
And has money none value in a ticket for voyagé ???? be with the happy ones mail.i-jesu.com
ISrAël : do you m e m o i r MOzes ? E xo Dus : D o not ver druk vreemde voor u was eerst vreemden in EgYp te! --- d o e S T A T has to Ré Pent ? W h e te did you come from, as o even EgYp tr. You do net what is done too you to ano ter one, what do you t en think what happen next for you didn't hold on L A W s, te do not oppress strangers, for you once where yourself a stranger in the land where you was been led too.
Waarom tekent men verdragen, of trekt men zich terug? Bij kern proeven, zal hun eigen kern ook geen k a n. s m a k e . Dus where you put your h a n d o n d e r. Voorsign eer in ge W e t e n Metalliek verf is niet bepaald gezond voor vele een car, maar men rijd er de dood in voor andere, in automatisering dat de victory of death is, that the death is overwon so life would can continue as if it isn't here there where you be on the moment as being say tu are alife, it shall be elswhere to be stand.
indien deze afgelopen geschiedenis een demo versie was, en dat we nu gaan naar een vol emo update 2.0 of zelfs 3.1 verssee opladen, hoe imposant zal het dan worden met alle technieken in mee opgenomen van einde geschiedenis :) van zodra opgeladen, kan men dus pas de intrede doen in het nieuwe rijk
dat zou genesis verklaren 6.6-8 om herschepping te vermogen, want Mozes zou de genesis geschreven hebben en een episode van noa en zijn kinderen neergepend hebben in tijden van 2500 jaar terug? waarom dan genesis 6:6 wie is de slang?
Volgens Gnost was de slang de Heer, en zodus volgens apocrypton van JhOne zou het niet zijn zoals Mozes zei of neergepend had. Mozes was daarom de accuser of de verleider zelve. Zo is de schepping van de Devil aan banden gelegd.
Gen era SiOne x√40-40 x 60 + 2x = 24 00 + (1) 24 -- + -- 40 = 2024 For so du hast as Mozes had lift up the snake in the dessert, You've'to lift up te Son Omen, so I did so ???? For J h o n e y Did ment they hidden themself into a luminoes cloud to be saved, and for on anyone on whoem that spirit would descend shall be saved anyway, for if it didn't happen yet, it shall even pos to be descend in after life of where in now to become involved in het nieuwe rijk -- Ï Jesu did foretold, Ï am in myn midden van wie zei: geloofd u in de Mensenzoon? whoe is de Mensenzoon, one did asked? Ï am did Jesu say, the gHost of the prophecy zelve Ï Jesu
Mt.24:33-42.. Even so, when you see all these things,
you know that it is near, right at the door. 34 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
36 “about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son Of Man.
38 For in the days before the flood **,
people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away.
That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.Mt.24:33-42..
In science you define spiritual awareness :
f . Js = f . JC/A
The spirits power (feeling) depents on the hight of the f. C = s . A -->--> s = C/A
IAMIO "Odedousj" 24---52021 is being enguide "mediüm inside from outside inner within being told"
in none specific and/or movement. Yes hear and see I am coupled inwithin Jesu : i-jesu
El Masiona YühuRA!
Cc Ode MIND solo nom Dio Jesu
Wat hebt u aan de wereld te ver over en indien u daar bij het leven laat, awel wat hebt u voor het leven dan over om de Vader te leveren Waarom zou Juda Jesu als mens overleveren, als in new testament hij door Satan bevangen werd, in opdracht van Jesu ???? N A GID HA' M A D I --- For M A D do Sense in sense REJOICe
God zei, in te midden van Yoel : Act 2: at finale days I shall give the holy spirit upon the people and lead them the Way, Becuz Jesu already did come, it is nearby!
marCUS 4: Don't put your lORD Your God onto Test! So since I even do testify that, you know I did do in for your sake to serve You!
marCUS 8:36-38 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? 37 Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the
Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” C j it is doné : Wat weten we over de wederkomst van Jezus ? na het jaar 2000 inderdaad 3de dag begonnen -- komende om hun op te nemen in de hemelse sfeer daar waar Hij altijd zal in blijven om ook anderen daarin op te nemen, in huizen in op een nieuwe aarde evenals zo dat de grote verhuis, dat in duizende jaren was voorbereid, Omdat Hij is gekomen aan het einde der tijden, om een nieuwe tijd elders door te brengen in voormogenheid gerealize vermits zou bij terugkeer blijven hier tot het einde om ons dan op te nemen daar waar Hij is naar gaande §O iMMORTALIZE O§. Mvg. Ï Jesu H'MesziaH
ÏMETAÏeRA ÏÏ Ho koDeikodom.
Ik versta je moods. Unless I was living in spirit, that body is uneffectable life would mat Sense, medicine are terror and creep for it wants you feel body and then life not interest for knowing what's next I have overreached the state of body, so that mad me a child from the holy spirit -|- so the Crosssign -|- taken away to set free in follow to go too what's to come after life where you in right now
. Become better than I. Be like the child of the holy spirit.”
“Be eager for the word. The first aspect of the word is faith, the second is love, the third is works, and from these comes life.
“This is also how you can acquire the kingdom of heaven for yourselves. Unless you acquire it through knowledge, you will not be able to find it.”
cee I did do Arrive mail.i-jesu.com/ijesu.html (august2021-2022-august2023) ????????????
-DO Jesu NazaYeoH !--! kORDisha! INoemJe
So yes indeed so I should have put you so in charge! as I should could do it with anywhoem I choose to do ???? foreseedit: J(Hz) = sAV/(s) Yes JeHzüs .,;)
C . M . Λ = Joule . s
(means “soul (J.s)” = Matter . C Λ)
“***” WhileHiS be dependance on the heighToF the frequency
fORDEspirit is be reckoning “JC.f”—“(J/A)x(s/s)”
A = C/s iederas C.f! —
you see J.s x Hz/A —
So the soul can be lifting up due its
frequency (Hz) onpaired itsonwits stream (A)!
So you acknowledgendZing:
C . M . Λ = Joule . s
(mensthat our “soul (J.s)” = Matter . C Λ)
That it so mean that our Soul = charged matter multipLIED
withon the Wave it do exist!
In this reckonIngzing it does matter that it is vived energy whereon our consciousness being be is estaBlitz!
In the now to be known that we should could become aware of it as it does vibrates on a higher wave of previous thought it was constatinious habitude. Since it is known that it is living energy ************* (matter)
it does mean that soul can survive the deathpass; so it is now more easy to agree to the fact that someone who did surpass the death should come say hallo to you;
In declaration for ETERNALLife!
Did I do say hALLOTedoyou, my dear I-Jesu;
See now: "J (s) = M . c² (s)" due Hz²(s-eternity!*
Totality sense the formula does be the whole now being given:
J / c² = Ω / s
** J = M . c²
** wherein c² = AΛ)
see : C . M . Λ = Joule . s and s = C/A
wheredueby : C . M . Λ = J C / A
so : AΛ . CM = JC
and so : AΛ . M = J
** J = M . c²
** wherein c² = AΛ)
************* J = M ) when — c² is multipLIED with!
Therefore does it make sense to say it is vived and living and be creative to form matter!
for J/c² = M JESu )
(So I did do the job which was me Alotted due Gabriel who is (Oracle is MP)
for my inheritence SoM! 12:13 My lot ???? mail.i-jesu.com
So the "Holy Spirit" might be ASCed to descent for "H.i.S." shall be send!
Wen War stop, climate change too, becuz it alarms us to Wake up -|- ¨Pacifist ✌????????????????
Wen quicken the time, you have shorten time, didn't youten "mail.i-jesu.com/"
just as one did do for Israël, it does den also has to be done for intaken land, Palestine itself existence as state
éMenTardOes.wav _éMenTardOes.mp4
“How can the Messiah come from Galilee?” (John 7:41) Belgium layed 2000+ years ago in NORTH Galilee!
Yow! Did caesar say that the Belgium people where brave
and where did Napoleon being beaten?! Waterloo is another Roman eh ???? LIM --MIL K'Hm Way!
MoonANdstAR o-+ring dat creates Morningstar!
The metaphor of the morning star that Isaiah 14:12 applied to a king of Babylon gave rise to the general use of the Latin word for "morning star", capitalized, as the original name of the devil before his fall from grace, linking Isaiah 14:12 with Luke 10 ("I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven") and interpreting : how else ndnan been send too earth as being Jesu ???? Being send for to forgive the misleading of interpreting! KIRAAN TOO HUMAN
Jesu Regel Gedeeld met Openbaar Sa"caän 156-1-515 -|- 415 Jesu
MoonANdstAR o-+ring dat creates Morningstar!
Ï and Jesu shall come!
4 morning star and morningstar indifférs just space as being 2-1
I-Jesu + & + couple-in DAD ISA spirit to be 3 Ï)
Kyoto 200x
Humanitaire hulp: Rebbe Meh 'Haresh althOath wattoo Al'Axa Moskóé -- oAotoGotH ¨¨imentardoes""" Ammadosh AArdé Jesu in mytailé éHproNowns
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090630681279 Jesu Regel
btw. in Dresden codex van de innative AM Yudah'Tan (old mexico) stood also that BO(ï)LOy'okt'ku'H would appear in Brussels Ix'el at end of maya calandar --- the king of mexico, belgium and president of amerika know that (1984-1989) and they are from the same family did come from although king from Mexico and Belgium in 1833-x, do you remember Angle Sakxis!? periode 2011-2012/3 -- 2023 to come you see oktober 2023 now ???? CrightS! Cs = Lamb'da in Maths, so I did take up the Mat ïs Me : webdisk . i-jesu . com is; Ï H (nn) regel Jesu YéS I AM in Tai! Lent --- QuÏcQu, yes the doc. descided no longer oblige of neels, so what you did do to me, how you would do for one another?! May Grace be with me de Heer Jesu Becuz Israel in old testament, where did that lay accordens too prophet Da niël?! It didn't lay where you should thought where it did lay, for Israel layed in a place where it didn't belong to be! Free Pale'stina!
Yu hear yourself when did speak, I Jesu in his taille speak therefore he did say he does regel that I Jesu shall come through Him ????
complete ????
sedenMeHa Hïoem ARC HIKE KHM MARY ïEON 5137 YEAR BACK UP IN Tïme HARISA'KRESH'NAH 3trh. COME sri Ké sava hÏelooHùm K'Alpha Koeloem RuHa'njahie YKhM
https://mail.i-jesu.com/ijesu.html **
Betreft OekraÏne - Russia war'ns --- concernity was already said, it would being a Pat chess game as result be! ** Written februari 2022:
)S'khanPorTissue) OnomJHéOAmj i Jesu ;
Leviathan, depicting the Sovereign as a massive body wielding a
“”sword and crosier””(1) and composed of many individual people
Sovereignty is the supreme authority within a territory. Sovereignty entails hierarchy within the state, as well as external autonomy for states. In any state, sovereignty is assigned to the person, body, or institution that has the ultimate authority over other people in order to establish a law or change an existing law. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme legitimate authority over some polity. In international law, sovereignty is the exercise of power by a state. De jure sovereignty refers to the legal right to do so; de facto sovereignty refers to the factual ability to do so. This can become an issue of special concern upon the failure of the usual expectation that de jure and de facto sovereignty exist at the place and time of concern, and reside within the same organization(2).
“”sword and crosier””(1)
A bishop has to be seen as a chess piece: a runner. So for Sovereignty to behold it is to behold its borders as that they are states! For otherwise the one or the other crosses its borders as it might be seen as a sword that cut in someHistheir land its edges—borders.
So it might be well stated it is a red line to hone its non-territories and fine to hone its owned territories to protect its Sovereignty of their states.
Negotiations :
when someone’s Sovereign state is been putted under hard restrictions of other Sovereign states to deal with each other; -* it is alike a forced attack beyond their own borders which the Sovereign state is bordered -*- too one or the other ones state of exercise of its power by their state for their ability to do so.: I mean in Geographic-Political terms: The energy due gasses SUPPLYment that EU is momently depend on Russian Sovereignty to help the ability to TRADE resources outside their bordered GeoGraphity – In contrast with the restrictions which the EU give on to the TRADE possibilities on Russian territories – which the Russian authority calls Hysteric! – On one hand it’s right to forceful declare defenses by meaning to .s.WORDs. to put on more restrictions when parts of united Sovereignty be offended – Here be seen UKraïne which on its part is also a Sovereign state – The GEOgraphic position laying of UkraÏne is seen as the Squared Door of the European borders or the grouped nato’states . SO be it by means: A very important state for dealing from the DOORS ON BOTH sides of the conflicting Sovereign states – For if the DOOR would be shut on one of both sides : So due the West or the East the SUPPLYchain is chained to abandon further negotiations to hold the SOVEREIGNITY oF each!!! Side to deal with their stated author mental power witch each all of them!
Since the Russian said: Ukraine to be put on Nato bounds is the RED line it is formal well said, because Geographic seen one can’t set the DOOR open on one side and shut down the DOOR on the other side, becuz it is then conflicting with sovereignty of regular-noRMality TRADE’supplying’s!
(2)It declares that for best will the ORGANIZATIONS from the NATIONS around the DOOR don’t have to force the door neither to become on one of their sides! Otherwise the support of trade through the door should be locked for natural and trade support for their organizations.
3! The deal should might be:
Instead to forcing up restrictions, lower restrictions of the sanctions it laid up on ones Sovereignty states and dealing according the emPHAZesTablished SwordS of the agreements: behold your army on your own sovereign states in deal so the sanctions of restrictions lowering down as it also mean, when you step on someone’s Sovereign state by armed forces ; one needs to organize to rise restrictions for them who crosses that line of agreements!
-DO Jesu NazaYeoH !--! kORDisha! INoemJe
So yes indeed so I should have put you so in charge! as I should could do it with anywhoem I choose to do ???? foreseedit: J(Hz) = sAV/(s) Yes JeHzüs .,;)
C . M . Λ = Joule . s
Crisis in Gaza as Israel warns of long war with Hamas
As Hamas would having fought for his inhabitants of Palestina in Gaza (for a free release -- inhabitants, out of the boundage within the Gaza-borderstrip),
Hamas would be smart now to give himself up too ïsraël for saving the inhabitants and for having a chance
for peace decreet
that the cage-border can be taken away --- and a rebuild of the streets etc. prepared --- Hamas otherwise would one day being found, the longer it endures the longer victems should die for nothing --- so Hamas be smart enough to give yourself up, what happens next doesn't lay in your hands anyway after death. Plz. for your own sake and the inhabitants, just do.
-DO Jesu NazaYeoH !--! kORDisha! INoemJe
So yes indeed so I should have put you so in charge! as I should could do it with anywhoem I choose to do ???? foreseedit: J(Hz) = sAV/(s) Yes JeHzüs .,;)
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *
C . M . Λ = Joule . s
--|-- ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * 4 it declares ETERNAL life, + possible life after death in Matismn sense + transportation when soul or mind is given up on a next life to come! --|--
**** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *
14102023 ** 13-15/10/2023 ** 13/10/2013 offerfeest, 15/10/2023 10 years après desolation and awfull horror of psychiatrees the abominations of their rakets filling-sin neels, do "repent you docs!. (IT is DONE) " They asked the judge in oktober 2013, can He be set locked for He sit on the right hand of God, the Judge asked too Victor, is it right what Christina said about Him (Jurgen H.). Revelation Jezus Christus given throughby God. (spiritual) ï H (nn) regel Jesu ShIvaRay Haresh hand de san
cRights Jesu SandosH
Ïementai.jpg jh.jpg kiraan.jpg SirahJhésu.jpg
Ï Tsjardo El Mesòîé Diyososon Jesu
Dus dit wou ik nog even zeggen: omdat ik wereldwijd on watch sta: "I've nothing against Moslims, but "Islamietische Staat, "IS"" you should never be enter your paradise, for killing stand not in the book of Allah for a good deed, noch anyway good for a God who make sense! understand?! no weapons, guns, NO WAR, so it does declare how to bring peace, lay your weapons down and dismiss it out of soceity, for safety reasons and spare blood of unnessarary victims of none-sense acting in names you don't know wherefor they stand: When if you known by Park-Et @ known to be a danger of society with radicalize of symp.-ath-ism IS, what is then your re-li-gion? If you say in name of their all-u u-do-kill? In the Holy-BOOK stand, be on guard-watch-out for suchs individuals, they have no God, they are empty visies and non spiritual body, asure to be af-ra-id for what they call to be Al-lu -- law of 90 in België should have to P-luck those induvida-list up and set apart out society for security, so do not dismiss such law for them who really need such arrest for cleansing their heads. Let holy People who'm doing good things in for cases do their things, Yes someway I am radicale, radicale Good for society and far exterieur of society even so. H'Allo ï Jesu
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However, if light moves through a medium other than vacuum, then the light will slow down. In other words, it cannot be massless, because the mass is subject to the environmental factor how fast it can move, this also applies in principle what Einstein said. 300,000 km/s in vacuum but when frequency (x/s or Hertz, f so high, the weight takes on negative proportions, since the faster at absolute speed the particle becomes massless to move to match that speed, at smallest particle in resistance the velocity slows down, a weight of 51 numbers after the decimal point is difficult to weigh anyway, but by 52 numbers below a number before comma should be a negative value in weight. See it Alike "100 gram should be "1 kg x -10"" be on balance = negative in Sense of a kilogram.
So how far is a star in the Galaxy really standing away, if a lïtyear is measures based on empty or VACUUM space, which is in fact none-sense! So the stars in the Galaxy stand much more nearby as a scientist would calculatie in Sense what they call a lightyear.
De staf van Ï Jesu
Therefore a atmosfeer environment isn't be Found yet they are to be seen, yet a atmosfeer isn't vacuüm anyway, so if you don't overreach the knownledge of science of the 20th century you shall not find exttaterestial places where, maybe they call themself Humens, in their habitat indifferent as the place earth you do call Humans, their are also womens ???? see you ✌️ Jesu Regel
JC is the roulation current materie / space!
My m a t ïs Jesu
JC = ruelation current mattère over space
Why did you almost hold 40 years secret of mine existens?!
* Jesu regel , H(nn)
Materie is eigenlijk de weerstand over tijd 12/12/2020 datum, de formule gevonden
J / c² = Ohm/s
coeloem x coeloem = c²))
Energie transformatie in materie creatief wezen, Dus ja God bestaat En bestaat in levende energie Het Iam God, God van goden ✌️
The easiest way to form wind is to breath out and to take the pressure out the wind is to breath in. Eva por ate Adem. when you don’t breath you know rip., when you collaborate you keep alife isn’t? In “Orthodox Hebrew” when they pronunciation “take breath” you hear the sound vocalizing God. in ‘Sci & see’
Energy = pressure multiplied with the volume. “J = Pa x m³” wind is a change of pressure in the field where be, when pressure field move you feel the wind; in the same way; the air all around us Energy free to take, handle it correct fully! just like breathing … does it blow your mind or does it raise collect consciousness
J = cv
CV = Pa x m³ = Energy
I-DI OMINDuecee C!
the stream of the weather patterns, you can see mathematically as the driver. Because: Coulomb = stream x second.
In a high pressure zone, and the high pressure is higher become due the output of the works into the atmosphere, there mostly doesn’t fall any rain, while equation learn us that the atmosphere gets more Voltage loaded and filled with more energy, so which simplified mean that when a cloud comes it easily floods and cause thunder lightnings!
Because the normal attitude of the weather is already disturbed due the burning fossils and chemical experiments, shall the frequency accelerate of destructive weather phenomena’s.
Because acceleration is m/s² , and x/s² so s under the nominator is a frequency; which on its way then by higher up the time shortens --> acceleration! ( s / s = time / frequency ) so on the surface level (m²)
So how higher the pressure on the ground, the more grounded become, it be so!
stabilize the climate, for the tipping is medion overreached; wherethrougby the atmospheric layers are shaken due the pressure's from below too above, and in return apocalyptic weather events.
livescience.com/earth-troposphere-expanding it isn't due to climate change, it is the cause. the pressure drop of the storm elliot, had to do with the troposphere released some pressure in the strato's) VA C U UM sudduco’Dees ◊ Air pressure stock in a volumetric cube, release forms wind to charge stream! ◊ Energy
( Juwel = Cube x Pressure -- So when pressure is released the hot atmosphere loose it’s high temperature.
H’una Ku
शिवredone sANGLi Goa Maha “Om Hará ‘ Shiwa Jesu GenĪsā MesĪa
climate change:
**---Declares why the sun the west in going under is gone lost too the northeren sun side -- climate impact of storms, floods, and heat due the friction wobble earth axis ruelation.
"Worryingly, human activities have changed the Earth's axis of rotation "art.icle: 21/10/2023 msn ger" A recent study shows that overpumping water would have amazing effects on the Earth's axis of rotation! .
By pumping water from groundwater unhindered for drinking water and water for irrigation, humans would have changed the earth's axis of rotation. A recent study shows that between 1993 and 2010, the Earth would have tilted about 80 centimeters around its axis. The culprit? Excessive pumping and redistribution of gigantic masses of underground water! .
Previous figures showed that about 2,150 gigatons of water had been pumped out of the ground in just 17 years, the equivalent of a six-millimeter rise in ocean level. This is according to a publication in the journal Geophysical Research Letters".---** .
New earth/or safe heaven is already somewhere in-ter -|universe--|,à and here seen another womb spown planet is given in turn to give birth, so like to be predicted in 2018, see in foto 15/10/2022 publication.***---* .
*---*** .o PEN baar IN + Cj - a p ocall ip see 1.x-xx. OMétéol *---****---*** // in tijd - ""(s/f) tijd / frequentie"" - of crisis, wat voorzien was en spoedig dient te gebeuren --- Moge god u good zegenen. //
Meteorologen waarschuwen voor zeer zware storm Ciarán: mogelijk ‘bomcycloon’ met uitzonderlijke windstoten in West-Europa ///
1. Nodig dat oorlog stopt --- voor klimaat verandering te voor mogen te mogen kan, wanneer oorlogen stoppen, kan er naar de wolken gezien worden, wat nog extra nodig is voor het weer hun furie intoom te kunnen houden.
1.1 Opdat! ammoniumnitraat productie uit haber processen, gebruikt wordt voor raketten en missels, buskruit, etc. ---- iedere productie vanuit het proces van haber dat gebruikt wordt ter explosief vervaardiging, zal door het opwaaiend stof en of explosief vrijkomende stoffen van de ontplofte zaken, diensten, chemica's --enin - hospitaal- gebruiken etc. doet het in de atmosfeer reizen en dus de atmosfeer aantasten, wat een verzuim van besef wat een explosief in wereldverbruik ten gedragen kan teweegbrengen. ---- Gevaar voor mens, dier, bomen, planten en gewassen.
1.2 Dus, omdat! wanneer het explosief en voor oorlogen, gebannen wordt in productie, zal men nog bijkomende maatregels dienen te nemen om de aantasting van de atmosfeer -- water en luchtlagen in compensatie dient te komen om de orka-nen te minimalléze!
Courage, goede moet, moed en of moedt! *---****---****---****---***
* *
* * * * * * * *
Compare troposphere and stratosphere like a balloon inside a larger balloon. The troposphere is the layer of air where our weather is affected. You can also view that balloon as a kind of coulom, in which there is pressure within the volume of the balloon. The volume is expressed in cubic metres. The cubic meter multiplied by the pressure equals the energy. Energy, is expressed both in heat and work. The work is equivalent to a curriculum vitae, central heating and expressed differently in scientific terms: CV. For example, the energy can be affected by pressure, and density of the volume, the denser the volume, the less addition is needed to raise the joules in equivalent pressures. Because Energy equals pressure multiplied by volume.
So when something changes on one side of the equation, it changes on the other side of the formula as well.
Energy = pressure x m³)
Energy = Coulom x Volt )
When the pressure inside the tropospheric balloon gets too high, it actually pushes up into the larger balloon of the stratosphere that the tropospheric balloon is also in. Because the pressure then increases in the higher division of the air layers, the temperature there will rise. (because of work performed on the earth's subsurface, surface and air layer. Because it is 2 different regions in the same whole, that could work like a funnel, vortex, to achieve stability. However, such stability developments can then again strongly influence the troposphere – The weather report.
The earth atmosphere, has enviro 5,15 x 10^18 m³ space.
Ammoniumnitraat NH4NO3 (Relationship between climate & warcrafts – missels, guns, rockets) Hygroscopisch Wanneer ze'De exPlosIeven zouden bannen, veranderd het klimaat, in algemeen belang ???? zo word ei. WET vertaald NAT ie q’ indifferent tongue engdutch. NH3 Haber Bosch. Gov's Nitrogen Probs lamented at farmers? While (2021) 235 000 000 000 000 grams of ammonia was been created with Haber process. --- has a skull sign on bottles; can’t be healthy isn’t? NacreClouds (Parelmoerwolken) are been caused due abusement on planetair ground, the chemical reaction that goes into the air, causes livability probs for inhabitants and water purity( eats protection of earth atmosphere away SalPetrusci. – NO Hydrogen storages (ammonium) -i- lay down the weapons.
Weather – The Change of climate in logic overview: i-jesu.com
Joule = kg x m² / s²
Joule = Energy, heat, work
Joule = Pressure x m³
Joule = Coulomb x Voltage
Joule = Power / frequency
The earth is surrounded with atmosphere, which you can imagine as a volume, like a 3D circle that sit within a greater 3D circle, which states as a m³ in formulation.
Climate change isn’t only due gasses been burned into atmosphere; it’s actually caused due each! Particle that fill the m³, because each!! Particle contains a weight!
Those particles can be seen they contains a certain energy value!!!
That energy value is been set in formulation: kg x m² / s² )
CO2 has a higher weight as that CH4 has, so CO2 would set more pressure extra into the atmosphere volume as that methane would do, but chemical reactions happens
when particles do chemistry with the particles in their environment which, the reaction cause on their way extra energy because the reaction is a like work = energy.--->> that it get Hot!
Joule = Pressure x m³
So when their will be pushed more particles (Joule) formulation, at the other side of the equation shall also higher there value.
Simplified means, the more gas been pushed into the “atmosphere (m³)”, the more pressure there comes within the atmosphere.
: Higher pressure --> Air streams changes within the fluid as that the air is – Wind, changing pressures zones who on their turn cause changing weather phenomena’s
because they are driven by, as that you should see as the charge or the coulomb.
Joule = Coulomb x Voltage
Pressure x m³ = Coulomb x Voltage
So by that the pressure is been higher become in the volume of the atmosphere, it means that the stream of the weather changes and also is more Voltage loaded!
the stream of the weather patterns, you can see mathematically as the driver. Because:
Coulomb = stream x second.
In a high pressure zone, and the high pressure is higher become due the output of the works into the atmosphere,
there mostly doesn’t fall any rain, while equation learn us that the atmosphere gets more Voltage loaded and filled
with more energy, so which simplified mean that when a cloud comes it easily floods and cause thunder lightnings!
Because the normal attitude of the weather is already disturbed due the burning fossils and chemical experiments, shall the frequency accelerate of destructive weather phenomena’s.
Because acceleration is m/s² , and x/s² so s under the nominator is a frequency;
which on its way then by higher up the time shortens -->
acceleration! ( s / s = time / frequency )
so on the surface level (m²)
we’re witnessing: Gravity = Pressure x m²!
So how higher the pressure on the ground, the more grounded become, it be so!
iEoua JHzEs
SatanA Yé know!
RéanSon yhw
Hans-sur=lesse CAVES or HANNAim 130,000 years ago:
from normal to hot to cold climate in a few decades.
Forest fires -- CO2 -- magmatism made the air heavier = higher pressure = heat --- and the atmosphere was eaten away -- sulfur oxide vulcanization -- ammoniacanization nitric acids acid rain --- jet stream blockages --- omega pressure clouds, flood rains at the foothills - ---->>> stationary rising clouds, then, ocean current warming+cessation due to gravity load salty-sweet ------- kaaaboooooom. Same phenomenon, dealing with heavier metal pollution, automated. Toxicoxidized air-water polluxion.
New world
in order creation ELSENEw*here
5.21--21.5 Dont be afraid you been declared so dad creates everything new
Why does my heart feeling so glad
Why does a soul, peace so their.
Why does be a song feel up so enjoy
The soul be their :)
Peace enjoy
Heal on own
Feeling no t' alone
????Why does my heart feeling so glad?
Why does a soul, peace so their.
Why does be a song feel up so enjoy
The soul be their :)
Peace enjoy
___________ M O B E
You hear dif Fer ents, sadness -- Happynes -- do you ???????? change the m o m en tum so
NOQNOQ on heaven's door
States of Colombia bonobo
Name = Familyname Of the Father Jesu EST not Christ but QULOEM My m a t ïs Jesu ????
JC = ruelation current mattère over space
4.ce Qü Ment toa God -- lüm meant toa Lamb OR DueLight -- Good
Why does my heart feeling so glad
Why does a soul, peace so their.
Why does be a song feel up so enjoy
Author is J e s u r e g e l (nn) H ✓
The Secret Book of James
(The Apocryphon of James)
I James, answered and said to him, “Master, we can obey you if you wish, for we have forsaken our fathers and our mothers and our villages, and followed you. Give us the means not to be tempted by the evil devil.”
The master answered and said, “What good is it to you if you do the father’s will but you are not given your part of his bounty when you are tempted by Satan? But if you are oppressed by Satan and persecuted and do the father’s will, I say he will love you, make you my equal, and consider you beloved through his forethought, and by your own choice. Won’t you stop loving the flesh and fearing suffering? Don’t you know that you have not yet been abused, unjustly accused, locked up in prison, unlawfully condemned, crucified without reason, or buried in the sand as I myself was by the evil one? Do you dare to spare the flesh, O you for whom the spirit is a wall surrounding you? If you consider how long the world has existed before you and how long it will exist after you, you will see that your life is but a day and your sufferings an hour. The good will not enter the world. Disdain death, then, and care about life. Remember my cross and my death, and you will live.”
I answered and said to him, “Master, do not mention to us the cross and death, for they are far from you.”
The master answered and said, “I tell you the truth, none will be saved unless they believe in my cross, for the kingdom of god belongs to those who have believed in my cross. Be seekers of death, then, like the dead who seek life, for what they seek becomes apparent to them. And what is there to cause them concern? As for you, when you search out death, it will teach you about being chosen. I tell you the truth: No one afraid of death will be saved, for the kingdom of death belongs to those who are put to death. Become better than I. Be like the child of the holy spirit.”
Then I asked him, “Master, can we prophesy to those who ask us to prophesy to them? There are many who bring a request to us and look to us to hear our pronouncement.”
The master answered and said, “Do you not know that the head of prophecy was cut off with John?”
But I said, “Master, is it not impossible to remove the head of prophecy?”
The master said to me, “When you realize what ‘head’ means, and that prophecy comes from the head, then understand the meaning of ‘its head was removed.’
“First I spoke with you in parables, and you did not understand. Now I am speaking with you openly, and you do not grasp it. Nevertheless, you were for me a parable among parables and a disclosure among things revealed.
“Be eager to be saved without being urged. Rather, be fervent on your own and, if possible, outdo even me, for this is how the father will love you.
“Come to hate hypocrisy and evil intention. Intention produces hypocrisy, and hypocrisy is far from truth.
“Do not let the kingdom of heaven wither away. It is like a palm shoot whose dates dropped around it. It produced buds, and after they grew, its productivity dried up. This is also what happened with fruit that came from this single root. After it was harvested, fruit was obtained by many. It certainly was good. Is it not possible to produce the new growth now, and for you to find it?
“Since I was glorified like this once before, why do you hold me back when I am eager to go? After my labor you have made me stay with you another eighteen days because of the parables. For some people it was enough to listen to the teaching and understand ‘The Shepherds,’ ‘The Seed,’ ‘The Building,’ ‘The Lamps of the Young Women,’ ‘The Wage of the Workers,’ and ‘The Silver Coins and the Woman.’
“Be eager for the word. The first aspect of the word is faith, the second is love, the third is works, and from these comes life.
“The word is like a grain of wheat. When someone sowed it, he had faith in it, and when it sprouted, he loved it, because he saw many grains instead of just one. And after he worked, he was saved because he prepared it as food and he still kept some out to sow.
“This is also how you can acquire the kingdom of heaven for yourselves. Unless you acquire it through knowledge, you will not be able to find it.”
I Jesu QoemQomHua H(nn) regel Jesu (nn) HJesu regel
I Jesu QoemQomHua H(nn) regel Jesu (nn) HJesu regel
HiJeoH i-jesu : J / c² = Ω / s
Jesu Regel
If you consider how long the world has existed before you and how long it will exist after you, you will see that your life is but a day and your sufferings an hour. reminds you that boeddha did say the same! VIisnu 10 in Bramandecïfering : Jesu I AM YHoe utter J H s uu
Intribute to a friend Gloomy ft Soho-D - Insane Outsane To Sane (Mïndo kumkhiminauki inshorted version) 2.mp3
Díon Power of Love IS AMARCO TeacHe
TECHNO MIX 2023 _ Deborah de Luca _ Charlotte de Witte _ Space 92 - (Morphine mix) Gloomy - It Only Gets Better.mp3 sèi Lens Gloomy - It Only Gets Better Amelie Lens _ Tomorrowland Winter 2023 (320 kbps).mp3 Charlotte de Witte vs Amelie Lens Mix Session (320 kbps).mp3
Amelie Lens _ Tomorrowland Winter 2023 (320 kbps).mp3 Best Of Metallica - Metallica Greatest Hits Album (320 kbps).mp3 Charlotte de Witte 'New Form' II_
VI is nu Qu ik ï moove --- sense: "you see how small the space is, where the move did in shown you see movie, how does one flow to do not being hurt, in such elastion flexibility --- well it must a coördinating spiritual awareness be, whoem known your way of movements it does do instead of you to be your own into the flow itself to be feel secure, and wonderful; video was quick done just to shown you, the quickkens, we moving forword :)
instead age of love, one set back the word from 2 too 1 due taken of away, and n e d i n g l i s een Agelove ) Gloomy - Soho-D In Action-(480p) (1).mp4 amusezment5/11/2023--movement--4/11
???? DoyouHaveEers AmenDos????
--|Son Jesu Z Ra H O s e S a n
https://www.i-jesu.com/Zion.mp4 ( 144.000
iceshields melt to a breakpoint uncontrolled weather therefore was the good news meant to be, for that there is a transmission to another place possible after we left here.
ac/Hz = AL
https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2017/11/07/ ons-klimaat-koelde-100-000-jaar-geleden-in-slechts-200-jaar-fel-/
Ons klimaat ging in slechts 200 jaar van warm naar ijzig, zo'n 100.000 jaar geleden
Ons klimaat is in het verleden erg snel afgekoeld. Dat blijkt uit geologisch onderzoek van druipstenen in de grotten van Han-sur-Lesse en Remouchamps. Het gaat over de periode van de laatste tussenijstijd, van 128.000 tot 117.000 jaar geleden. Toen was het gemiddeld vier graden warmer dan nu. Maar op nauwelijks 200 jaar tijd, een peulschil op geologische schaal, koelde het zo sterk af dat de bosbegroeiing verdween en er enkel nog koude steppe overbleef. Die snelle, natuurlijke afkoeling verrast de wetenschappers --- geen verrassing, het is door de ver assen van natuur, dat het water strokte, drukpressies in de wolken beînvloede en atmosferische lagen crashte --- Dus de aarde herstelt zich wel bij extreem natuurgeweld, en nieuwe in schepping bijbehorend, want evolutie uit niets naar veel in mum van korte geschiedenis is ook dwaal-evolutionair. swat, bij nuclaire inzinkingen van menselijke beschaving zal het anders exploderen, op de aarde, maar de weg is vrij gemaakt voor een intergalexiaal reis te maken naar andere oorden, om dan weder op te staan in een nieuw résoord --- ob. 21 : 5 .: a new heaven a new w aarde
soYehoshiwa Se On. Ï
J = mc²
In troubled times,
one gets to know one's best friends, equal as written with the same sentence as; "Knowing Who Cares About You".
- Hence this gesture with substantive lives and loving meaning: If, one is afraid of the dark, take this to heart as a relief from worry - Life is just like a light*, the darkness is as for a light that springs forth again.
It is like a garment*; - When sleeping: "one gets dressed and or undressed".
When one wakes up one gets dressed or changed again; so that one can go clothed in the light, to leave the darkness and cover the nakedness.
- One is never alone, wherever one goes, because one goes around clothed with that person, where one shares life; shall one also go where darkness reveals nakedness.
--> As a result, we are nominated: "Love each other" - "The more souls, the merrier", once and for all, we remain inseparable, by sharing in and with joy.
Everything is equal if given in a creative way - Life*, because one determines here to share with and whom one cares about.
Sharing together is like living together, whoever shares, loves one another, and share life together with joy, even in the so-called darkness, for once again light springs forth.
Sioux en Ux xen sioen
I Jesu ???????? Meshua lem'H'mel r'be oem ;) stress = energie / volume
Indien het volume van in de kuub vergroot, verlaagd de druk ;)
waarin de omgeving die energie bevindt
Indien atmosfeer 5,15 x 10^18 m^3 zou zijn zou men de atmosferische druk kunnen schalen
Lage druk is depressie hoge druk is warmer en zonnigr
De verplaatsing van drukvelden vormt wind
Via wind ook energie opwekking en catch Able ;)
°C dus ook regelbaar via warmte bepaling doorwijze van energie = m^3 x pressie. dat in verhouding CV is. Centrale verwarming zou in radiance dus vermogen verhogen door de processor de kloksnelheid te verhogen, want J/s = W. En J dus de warmte bepalen, en stroom ingang zetten, omdat VA = W die doorgepompt is via aftapping of onttrekking. En de wind zelf laat de geleiders rouleren. Roulatie is de kloksnelheid onder de noemer, want tijd is de teller. -- x --
In short way:
15 april 2011
10 days = 25 april 2011 / 24-25 April 2011 Easter
144 days + 12 days or 5 months = 29 september 2011 (Elenin)
4 days on 25 april 2011 = 17 september
(constalation 3,5 days = 21 september)
42 days after 26 – 29 september (3,5 days) = 8 – 9 november 2011 (YU55) on 200 000 miles distance from the moon flew comet YU55.
21 september 2011 + 1,260 days
(1 = 24 hours, + 260 days = 6 june 2012) (Venus transition)
24/25 april 2011 + 1260 days and 3,5 days = 8 oktober 2014 (Red moon)
42 months after 8 november 2011 (3,5 years) '(-3,5 days)' = 5 april 2015 (Easter)
-> These descriptions and numbers correspond in sequence - In the revelation story!
14/10/2023 ring of fire, sun black cloathed with "billows of smoke smog clouds" red sky"" bloody moon in color" follows to come for the great day from the Lord O Lords ïjesu
"The continious event • The enlightments as seen as the redemption." ... The re-birth is in start and continious - So; We will be saved and be safe forever ..
--- *** 3/11/2023 --- writings 2011 -- 2015 https://mail.i-jesu.com/generalfreedom.html
Veel economische banen verlies: Goed!, maar is er een gedachtevorming beide politieke instanties, dat het sociale systeem tov. begroting ---- klimaat -- kan DéseiNeren! Of het eren van economische activiteit verlaging voor sociale WELklimaat bevordering. Geen Décá koffie, maar Dé-économiseren. Dé- staat als - in min schrift, Démin, als dat economie de demōōn is dat Goede lucht voor levensbevordering op de HellIng zette, dus anti-economie zou de hell activiteit verlagen en dus het leven levensbevorders maken en de hemelse sfeer doen stabiliteit creëren. Dus het Demo model van creatie in economie ontstaan tijdens demoCratie is persona non gratiā in for human right of living in heaven. Its becuz tat smoke from gazz and benzeens tat rise-up into T air does déstabilize T air layers --- so T heavens power did shook up Too come down T " "earth" in sense said in name of T "Ah'De" (you heard in speech) " -- T 3 fold O Babylon has fallen and was a place of Démōōn Is, so "2 or Too h in number decyfired spoken" reveal in onto T nations! --- T Breath in gHost does the Head & Mind do rise in conciousness & ray send collective intelligen see in vi si on air (clear vo i ja en z ent --- How 2 be in come 3 as 3 been write in decyfering c o d e as Tru
--- ***
J / c² = Ω / s :
creation code J / Ω = AC
TheMaya foretold the transition point of the 5th sun, begon around september 2011 sky observation signs. Apocalyps VS revelation in Story and celestial Eclipse signs where alignment forecast envisioned -- x --
https://mail.i-jesu.com/generalfreedom.html Jesu (@jesuregel)"/> Xx1.8)
J / c² = Ω / s :
creation code J / Ω = AC
See I-oppelTeKenJesu Punt Link: i-jesu :-: U hoort een Boodschap en! ZieT datE en UniVerSUM -- c^2 -- c^2 is MODELeerD. nnomAD. dit beddekent dat in rationeel woordENschat een aardE Geanimeerd is voordat er iets op de oppervlakte of in volume van 3D meetRix aanWEzege Daar. Vandaar Gezien dat nieuwe tERraZ ZinTuig OOK inCreatief vermaakt mooiqu is. SLEUTelis daarisdat WAAR DE VERreis in SHOW INkom Ho nn y c'' Ja ^4 H(nn) regel Jesu Qo’Līoem Mesīa J / C = AxΩ )
OPENBAAR 21:5''23
waarom was er sprake van de uitzending van de mensenzoon, betreft deze best niet geboren zou zijn? Door wie is de mensenzoon gezonden geweest? Wat betekend dan de uitlevering van ;) Inderdaad de Vader zelf :)
San Jo Core x OP' Lv u )
Extra info
The reason why I can see light in the dark, is because my frequency is high, when dark mets resistance due the frequency you see light in the darkness.
As a result, light can become visible at certain Hz's heights (luminocity) feel like a transparant light, really delighted :)
J = N × m ( kg × m / s² = Force ).
m = a length and m² = a surface, m³ = volume and m^4 = space
to be able to find how the space did come into being in which all the other units of measurement, are in there had to be a representation of how that m^4 could have arisen, because otherwise the other units wouldn't have been there either. To be able to imagine how it is that the energy can give living feelings in feelings, a way had to be found of how that could be, because otherwise there could be no question of it being there.
in simplicity the energy should then be charged (JC)
Power / force = fm , fm one can talk like a radio works, if there is an antenna, the antenna can be the body.
Power / Energy = Frequency
when the frequency has a magnitude in cf. with f² Energy could be controlled over the force that a measure of length possesses, so it has the power that sets something in motion.
The explanation why I can move without moving myself. Christ Jesu, is actually that Jesu had taken the body of Christ.
Jesu meant to say: “they hid themselves into a luminous * cloud” – As it did mention He who walk in the midst of the lampstands! Is deLight, and though the * did come a sound: “Hear to him for this is my beloved Son where through by I AM Delight”
H(nn) regel Jesu
Sod (Secret), Raz (Mystery)
HaMoshiach MAH DI LEHEVE (“what will happen,” malach (angel)
eidus (testimony)
Ashrey (Blessed, Happy) divrei hanevu’ah (words of [this] prophecy) karov (near) sheva (seven) hakehillot (congregations) Kes (Throne) ed hane’eman (faithful witness), the BECHOR (Firstborn, Mesim and the Nagid, To the One who has ahavah for us and has freed us [from the Golus of, peyshaeinu [our transgressions, by [Geulah redemption through the kofer pedut ransom korban of his nefesh n the kapporah atonement of] the dahm of him, lo hakavod v’hagevurah l’olmey) Omein Hinei, Hu habah (He comes) with HA’ANANIM (glory clouds) and kol ayin (every eye) will see 3:11 I am coming. Espiritoes Si anto co. i-jesu.com/VID_20230305_012713695.mp4 have fun :)dank'omen :) Diosesan
1 Corinthi 15:51-
JC = ALA x OM )
Ja dat betekent de geleiding charged energy = ALA en is afkomstig van de stroom in kwadraat x Cs )
Jesu did say: "You'll see Human Son shall come in mine Appearance" ???? J / c² = Ohm/s
c²/s = electricity
J / Ohm = electricity
J = volume x pressure
m³ x pressure / resistance = electricity
Hydrolize ( m³ x pressure x geleiding (siemens) ) = electricity
So by pressure control within a volumetric atmosphere one forms electricity, just by free air.
The lam luminocity did brighten while, as that you could see in live recording 05/03/2023 HiO iM Jesu
( 1.22-23 ???? Bond coeloem -- c² )
Luminated light; is the living light that did shown you its reality, holy (visable) spirit HiO MazHiI :)
the Seconde is measured by C/Ampère )
⚔️ https://mail.i-jesu.com/
e / M e s Ī ā
Safe yourself from this un-to-war-age.
Destruction caused conscious choose for apocalypse.
Revelation by His.10:7)
Frequentie = energie geleiding over een dubbele tijd en dubbele stroom. Dubbel: gedijnt 2 kanten.
Met frequentie is vervoering mogelijk in bewust gewaarworden en transportarie mogelijk na verlossing == Too Elseen*wair.
His.10:7 in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be fulfilled, just as He proclaimed to His servants the prophets. 1 Corinthi 15 51—53 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must be clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.
ps.pastscriptum, oue.1 was a old website of mine before i-jesu.com did come and before mail. in 2018 until 1 augustus 2021 and après sonfamen.com after kidnapping gekortenberg nov 2015, therefore even general-freedom.com since 28-29 oktober 2012, now 11 year later moon eclipse 2023 oktober 28-29 --- mail.i-jesu.com started from previous month september 2023. COME! Jesu
BACK UP D O CU MEN T OLD WEBSITE OUE.ONE 2018 - 02042021 // e ) mail.i-jesu.com/242021.docx : C cee :
Photon <>> notohq, who say they have no tolk - dragoman :-DElightED
Jesu's used in parable watch, clock and clothes for the same word, speeding up the clockwatch? So then it comes quicker, for Jesu said who has touched my cloathes, so lets come in then to gain more power I-Jesu send email A LUΛΛ
pikanet here is u I-Jesu ????
I did question what does the equation
J / c² = Ω / s
actually mean? The answer I received : God Simplified : when energy couldn't be reformed into matter, there couldn't be a real physical realm existen :) So therefore there is a way how to define what I've found :) I-Jesu
een extreem wonder gevoel, een lamp die u van luminositeit stand kunt veranderen kent u wel, ik was zo opgeladen dat ik de luminositeit zelf was, stemmen gingen op Jesu (Yesoe) you are I-Jesu ????
Jesu (Yesoe) you are
what I wanted to let see: the difference with who = who ????
I-Jesu Jesu Siereh
bexaro.com/china-brengt-grote-veranderingen-burgers-van-belgie-verdienen-passief-duizenden-euros/ Dat was al gezegd en verklaard in de SEI lessen in het jaar 2000 bij Dirk Sint Jozef College, na de aanslagen op 11 september 2001 gebeurde iets waardoor dat ik geen lessen in school meer kon volgen. De vraag was hoelang zou dan de euro kunnen blijven bestaan, indien vrije handel met zelfde munt ongelijke lonen ontvangen / euro-lidmaatschapsland, ongeveer in gelijke vraag. Dirk werd beangstigend en klas kwam in opstand door de schrik, en zei tot slot: "dat zal de toekomst moeten uitwijzen" ---- we zijn aangekomen my dear students. El Maïstro H(nn) Jesu Regel Jesu Regel ivm. crypto's : laat jullie niet vangen! Die munt gaat chrashen in 2024, omdat de waarde voor mijning / bitcoin gaat halveren waardoor de energie kost van mijning voor beloning van de mijning exessief hoog gaat worden en VERLIESLATEND + HET AANVRAGEN VAN CRYPTO IS PASSIEF CRIMINALISME STEUNEN EN DRUGSKARTELS dus stay off it!Jesu Regel als u per mijning 6 bitcoins ontvangt als beloning, de bitcoin is geprogrammeerd / termijn, dat de beloning verlaagd, in 2024 op moment x zal die ontvangst van beloning slechts 3 bitcoins kosten, op basis van 25.000 euro / bitcoin kost de energie voor 1 bitcoin te mijnen voor beloning van 6, 75.000 euro aan energie, dus als u er maar 3 ontvangt inplaats van 6 weet u dat het gaat IMPLODEREN en stopt de markt door het programma zelf vernietigings script. Le Satan \\/\\ Jesu Regel en indien een vloed van verkoop komt door het gegeven wat geopenbaard is, dan crashed het ook dus not a good buy! see you i've told you ahead to tïme Jesu Regel as well 2008 mei the beursduivel crash ---- hauspi lennarddus shinnars (china's) empty housebloks are a dom'ino like house in flattionismn for there stand at least 80.000.000 houses up too 100.000.000 in flat empty, let 2 million people from palestine go live in the ghost city, that they have a save alternatieve and e city can revive even so! beloning slechts 3 bitcoins kosten, op basis van 25.000 euro / bitcoin kost de energie voor 1 bitcoin te mijnen voor beloning van 6, 75.000 euro aan energie, dus als u er maar 3 ontvangt inplaats van 6 weet u dat het gaat IMPLODEREN en stopt de markt door het programma zelf vernietigings script. Le Satan \\/\\ Jesu Regel en indien een vloed van verkoop komt door het gegeven wat geopenbaard is, dan crashed het ook dus not a good buy! see you i've told you ahead to tïme Jesu Regel De titel was volgens msn messenger: "china gaat de euro doen crashen". waarop al duidelijk voor het echt begon geweten was, mr. Draghi de bedenker 1 x 40,3399 is niet zoals een lira x x = 40,3399 en 5 euro is hetzelfde dan als 10 euro / uur! u zag Griekenland toch? meer invoeren als uitvoeren en Griekenland viel als een kaartenhuis in 2014, omdat een huis kost 250 euro in huur gemiddeld tov. 750 in duurdere eu-landen maar inkomsten zijn 750 euro gemiddeld / maand tov. 2100 in België, ndvr. in 2014! u kunt bij vrijehandel binnen de grenzen van de EU zo ook de EU doen imploderen door gewoon transacties te doen. DevalUeren! x^3 1 https://bexaro.com/china-brengt-grote-veranderingen-burgers-van-belgie-verdienen-passief-duizenden-euros/ このことは、2000年にディルク・シント・ヨゼフ・カレッジで行われたSEIの授業ですでに言われていたことで、2001年9月11日の同時多発テロの後、学校の授業に出席できない事態が起きた。 同じ通貨で自由貿易をした場合、不平等な賃金を受け取ることになる/ユーロ加盟国は、ほぼ同等の需要がある。ダークは怯え、クラスは恐怖のあまり反乱を起こし、結論として「未来が教えてくれるだろう」と言った。El Maïstro H(nn) イエス・ルール イエズス・ルール 暗号について:捕まらないように!その通貨は2024年に暴落する。なぜなら、採掘/ビットコインの価値が半減し、採掘の報酬のための採掘のエネルギーコストが過度に高くなり、失われることを意味するからだ。 あなたが報酬として採掘ごとに6ビットコインを受け取った場合、ビットコインは報酬が減少するようにプログラムされています/期間、報酬の受け取りは、時間xで2024年にわずか3ビットコインの費用がかかります、25,000ユーロ/ビットコインに基づいて、6の報酬のために採掘する1ビットコインのためのエネルギーは、エネルギーの75,000ユーロの費用がかかりますので、あなたが6ではなく3だけを受信した場合、あなたはそれがプログラムの自己破壊スクリプトによって市場をインプロデートし、停止しようとしていることを知っています。Le Satan \\/\\ Le Rule (仝__;)そして、もしその事実が明らかになったことで売りが殺到したら、それもまた暴落してしまうから、買ってはいけない!|にできるようにあなたがそれをすることができます本当に出くわすことあなたは、実際には私のパートナーとi約束、誰でも素早くはちょうど無視することができます。 נתראה, אמרתי לך קדימה לטיים; ג'סו ריגל כמו כן 2008 MEI התרסקות Beursduivel ---- Hauspi Lennarddus Shinnars (של סין) בתים ריקים הם דומ'ינו כמו בית Flattionismn עבור יש לפחות 80.000.000 בתים למעלה מדי 100.000.000 שטוח ריק, תן 2 מיליון אנשים מפלסטין ללכת לחיות בעיר רפאים, כי יש להם להציל alternatieve ו E העיר יכול להחיות אפילו כך! حكم جيسو كان العنوان وفقا لرسول msn: "الصين ستحطم اليورو". التي كانت معروفة بالفعل بوضوح قبل أن تبدأ بالفعل ، السيد أ. دراجي الخالق 1 × 40.3399 ليس مثل الليرة × × = 40.3399 و 5 يورو هي نفسها 10 يورو / ساعة! لقد رأيت اليونان ، أليس كذلك؟ المزيد من الدخول كتصدير واليونان سقطت مثل بيت من الورق في عام 2014 ، لأن المنزل يكلف 250 يورو في الإيجار في المتوسط مقارنة ب. 750 في دول الاتحاد الأوروبي الأكثر تكلفة ولكن الدخل هو 750 يورو في المتوسط / الشهر مقارنة ب. 2100 في بلجيكا ، waqder kayl hudha balfal fe fasoul SEI fe kalia derc sint josef fe am 2000 ، vabaad hajmat al-irhabiya fe 11 spetemper 2001 ، lem etmken talab minn hadour al-fassawal madrisia. al-tajara al-harra fe nafs al-amla stoudi elly agur ger matsawiya / al-dol al-adaa fe alioro ladiha talab mitsau takriba. can derc khaifa ، watmerd al-fassal fe khov ، wakhlis elly an "al-mestakbel cekhberna". El Maïstro H (nn) hakam yasua yasua yahkam hawl al-amalat mechfra: la yetem al-qabed alik! stenhar huthe al-amla fe am 2024. hudha lanah yani an quima al-tadin / alpetkuin stankhavedh elly al-nasf wan te \\/ fima yitalak balamlat mechfra : la yetem al-qabed alik! strateva huthe al-amla fe am 2024 ، laan quima al-tadin / alpetkuin stankhavedh elly al-nasf ، lada fin taklafa al-taqih latadin moqabel mcava al-tadin sticon murtefaa leghaya walkhsara + al-taqdam batlab lahsol ola al-tashfir ho dem al-ijram selpi osabat mokhdrat ، lada abeq baida anha! hakam jesso idha telkit 6 amlat petkoin lakel tadin kemkava ، fin Bitcoin mabramaj / mostalah ، an al-makafaa makhfada ، fe am 2024 fe al-waqqat al-dhay sihsil veh X ola delk minn al-gers-mcava fakt 3 bitcoins al-takalfah ، ola assas 25000 yurou / petkoin yaklef al-taqih le 1 petkoin latadin lahsol ola mcava caderha 6،75،000 yurou minn al-taqih ، ledlec idha telkit 3 fakt budla minn 6 ، fanat talam anha stoudi elly IMPLODE oygav alsouk minn khallal bernamg al-nassi nafsa latdemir. low al-shitan / qaada jesso ouitha can tofan el-mebiat yati minn hagiga anne tem alekshef anna ، vinh yatatel asada ، lada faho les sharaa geida! arak luqud akhbertek msbaga elly timmy hakam jesso can al-anwan v وفقا ل MSN Messenger ، "الصين ستحطم اليورو". التي كانت معروفة بالفعل بوضوح قبل أن تبدأ بالفعل ، السيد أ. دراجي الخالق 1 × 40.3399 ليس مثل الليرة × × = 40.3399 و 5 يورو هي نفسها 10 يورو / ساعة! لقد رأيت اليونان ، أليس كذلك؟ المزيد من الدخول كتصدير واليونان سقطت مثل بيت من الورق في عام 2014 ، لأن المنزل يكلف 250 يورو في الإيجار في المتوسط مقارنة ب. 750 في دول الاتحاد الأوروبي الأكثر تكلفة ولكن الدخل هو 750 يورو في المتوسط / الشهر مقارنة ب. 2100 في بلجيكا ، ndvr. في عام 2014! في عام 2014! في حالة التجارة الحرة داخل حدود الاتحاد الأوروبي ، يمكنك أيضا التسبب في انهيار الاتحاد الأوروبي ببساطة عن طريق إجراء المعاملات. خفض القيمة! س ^ 3 1 u kunt bij vrijehandel binnen de grenzen van de EU zo ook de EU doen imploderen door gewoon transacties te doen. DevalUeren! x^3 1 在歐盟境內進行自由貿易的情況下,您也可以僅通過進行交易來導致歐盟崩潰。貶值!x^3 1 ياۋروپا ئىتتىپاقىدا ئەركىن سودا قىلىۋاتقان ئەھۋالدا، سىزمۇ سودا قىلىش ئارقىلىق ياۋروپا ئىتتىپاقىنىڭ ۋەيران بولۇشىنى كەلتۈرۈپ چىقارسىڭىز بولىدۇ. كۇرسى چۈشۈش ! x^3 1
OPENbaar in Jezus Christus given throughby God. (spiritual) ï H (nn) regel Jesu ShIvaRay Haresh hand de san
* * * ** request on why did you for almost 40 years behold mine existens secret? I first want to thank my pleeg-family and parents for they did had first by landing true a light tunnel in Beringen, before meeting my parents, doing request if that their is a child missing in 1984-1985, becuz their wasn't response did come in some way the commune decided too behold the kid (Me thus) if under some obligements of need to doings, for otherwise my life was already in danger for the first moments on in 1984, so thank you too them, in by due the way i say it now too them. I was been hard this year, what led to a undertaken too Grimbergen, not that I was up for a fight with them, noo, I did come in a quick way extreme many in remember where I did come from, in visible visions and talks and moments what happend, what was even for me a hard rememberance of receiving, so do not worry I am standing guard for safety and behold you save for you stood be written in the book of the Lamb, so here by you receive also my grace, that in sense, may the grace be with the Lord Sandosh Jesu cRights Quloem ï Jesu mail.i-jesu.com
Jesu Regel
FOR THERE STOOD NONE FLESH BODY HAS DONE THAT YET IN SO FAR JEZUS CHRISTUS HAD PROMISED THAT YES AND WAS WAITING FOR THE FATHER TO GIVE ACCESS TOO THE TRANSMISSION FOR JEZUS CHRISTUS HIS GOD WOULD CAN DO THAT I WHOM HAVE INTERN CONNECTION WITH THE AVAILABLE LIVING ENERGY DE LAAM O Goaths The coming "Holy Invisible Spirit" in visability = Holy Spirit in living Alife Hïoooooom ❤ ❤ ❤ For there stood also, Jezus Christus whom first would been baptized with, shall later come for he makes announcement of the coming Jesu KoHim
Messiah : f x c² = elektricity (18/10/2022) ( J x ℧ )
ELoÏ Namason <>Lema<> Sabbath!Any!
He noem HeWhoWhyJHeHoWwayJ) COMEINDEED
MesĪā * Sow here AM i talking 09/09/2022 )
the Spirit and the bride are a couple (see it isn't just 1, because for to be a couple you must be with 2) ???? For the Spirit say's it too: 'I come'! ???? 22:17 De Geest en de bruid zeggen: ‘Kom.’ En wie dat hoort, moet ook zeggen: ‘Kom.’ 22:20 Ja, Here Jezus, kom! 22:16 Ik, Jezus, heb mijn engel gestuurd opdat u dit allemaal aan de gemeenten zult vertellen. in 2022/21 alles bekend gemaakt, en zegt: ‘Ja, Ik kom’ Want de Geest en de bruid zijn een koppel. Hefun!
* * httpS://mail.i-jesu.com/
Yu hear yourself when did speak, I Jesu in his taille speak therefore he did say he does regel that I Jesu shall come through Him ????
complete ???? 2023_11_09_01_14_45.mp3 VID_20231109_004350501.mp4 ))((